Summer 2020 Update

Summer 2020

During these difficult times, I would like to personally update patients and families at Petite
Pediatrics and our greater community about our “Practice Commitment” and the modifications
we are making to ensure the safe delivery of care for children.
– Charish L. Barry, MD, FAAP

Practice Commitment

Petite Pediatrics remains committed to providing personalized care for children in an
environment that is inclusive, safe and nurturing.
Environment of Inclusivity
We treasure the uniqueness of each child and we support and celebrate all aspects of the
diversity of each child and family. As a medical home for children providing wellness and acute
care, fostering an environment of non-discrimination is paramount. As such, at Petite Pediatrics,
we believe patients and parents/guardians have the right to be treated considerately and
respectfully regardless of the patient and/or family’s race, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity/expression, cultural background, economic status, education or illness.
Environment of Health & Safety
We are dedicated to ensuring that our office meets the highest standards of safety to help
decrease the spread of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Our Pueblo Street location has
expanded on-site services to provide separate locations for well and sick visits by utilizing both
indoor and outdoor space. Additionally, we will continue to care for children via telemedicine
and provide home visits. Updates of our practice modifications are provided below.

Practice Updates

The in-office hours have been modified for the summer months.

M/F: 9 am – Noon (Dr. Barry)
T/Th: 9 am – 2 pm (Dr. Barry) / 2 pm – 4 pm (Catherine Cordero, PNP – Telehealth)
W: 9 am – 4 pm (Erin Baird, PNP – Home Visits) / 9 am – 4 pm (Dr. Iris Office Location – Acute Visits)

Patient care will be provided either indoor, outdoor, virtually or by home visit.
A. Indoor:
The main office is reserved for all well-child visits, vaccines, behavioral or non-infectious
acute care with Covid19 guidelines:
(1) Pre-visit Covid19 symptom screen
(2) On-site temperature check for parent/guardian
(3) One parent/guardian with patient per visit
(4) Use protective facial coverings (face masks) unless under 3 years of age,
developmental or behavioral limitations, or any safety concerns.
(5) Practice social distancing (as able) by use of outdoor space
B. Outdoor:
During the COVID19 health crisis, our parking lot will serve as our Acute Care Site. This
secure and private outdoor space provides a safe perimeter for children and has
adequate social distancing capability for adults and providers. The handicap parking
space and will remain accessible, however, general patient parking will be unavailable.

  • Petite Pediatrics Acute Care Pod: An Airstream Basecamp trailer has been set-up as our Acute Care Unit for
  • Petite Pediatrics Car Visit: A select parking space has been designated for drive-up testing / car visits.

C. Virtual:
Telehealth to continue via Spruce and arranged as clinically indicated or requested.
(Services are covered by and billed to insurance.)
D. Home:
Currently available on Wednesday to minimize exposure risk for patients with health
issues or concerns that prohibit ability to come to the medical office site.
(Home visit services incur a separate fee that is not covered by insurance.)

Passport is our new patient portal for direct access to your child(ren)’s immunization records,
lab results, patient visit summaries and informational handouts. Passport does not replace
Spruce for secure messaging, but will increase access to your child(ren)’s health profile.
Stay posted for your invitation to Passport!

As of June 1, 2020, Petite Pediatrics has partnered with Accuquik, a local medial billing
company for all of our patient insurance billing needs. Sheryl Hopkins is the liaison for Accuquik
and will be able to directly assist with any insurance billing needs. Katie Welch will continue to
assist with billing needs for services rendered prior to June 1, 2020.

• website:
• social media links:
– Instagram: @petitepediatricssb
– Facebook: PetitePediatrics
– Twitter: drbarry@petitepeds

To help boost our immune response, we are offering Springboard pediatric supplements,
vitamins for kids.

  • Shoots & Vines Product Page

    Springboard Supplements & Vitamins (Shoots & Vines) online purchase/onsite pickup members-only.
    Excellent for overall immune support include: D-Hist and D-Hist Jr, Buffered Vitamin C,
    Reacted Zinc, Probiotics (Flora Bites and FloraBoost), Imu-Max, Natranix immune
    support for respiratory health, Kid-D liquid and Vitamin K/Vitamin D and Wholemune,
    an immunity supplement for older kids, teens and adults. These are available on our
    website or directly at the office via curbside pickup.

Petite Pediatrics’ goal is to offset the burden on Emergency Departments by offering acute
care and telemedicine services for our patients. Additionally, visiting family or friends this
summer can access care through our Virtual Peapod memberships. Overview of plans:

  • Virtual Peapod Membership: Patients can have regular telemedicine services, which
    are billed to insurance and may include acute care visits, vaccine planning, behavioral,
    growth and developmental visits. Ideal for short-term residence in Santa Barbara area.
  • Virtual Visits: Telemedicine Virtual Visits for patients who may need a single visit or
    brief follow-up concern. If you have family or friends who are in need of assistance with
    their child’s care, please direct them to our website to learn how to join.
  • Annual Peapod Membership: This will continue for existing members as is. However,
    we are aware of the significant impact the COVID19 pandemic has had upon our
    economy. If there is a financial concern directly affecting a family’s ability to continue
    the PMP service, please reach out to our office directly to discuss possible options. Any
    inquiries are completely confidential and will be treated with the upmost respect and

    Charish L. Barry, MD, FAAP Petite Pediatrics

Schedule an Appointment at Petite Pediatrics

Dr. Charish Barry offers concierge-style care that is designed to provide highly personalized care to infants, children, and teens throughout the Santa Barbara area. She and her team of highly trained nurse practitioners will take the time to answer any questions you may have. Schedule a well-child visit at Petite Pediatrics today! Call our Santa Barbara office at (805) 845-1221.

(805) 845-1221



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